Year 10 Snow Trip

On Saturday 4th of August as patrol care group we were given the great opportunity of going to Mt Baw Baw. Our day started at 6:30am we agreed to meet at school and from there we were on the road to Mt Baw Baw, we stopped at Coles first just to get food for the trip. Around an hour or so on the road, we stopped at a petrol station. Mr. Kabak was filling petrol and he noticed a picnic table that we could have breakfast on. We all jumped out of the bus and unloaded the food we bought from Coles and enjoyed an amazing picnic breakfast. We continued on the road for about another hour and stopped at a hire place. Everyone hired what they needed. Finally after a long drive we arrived at Mt Baw Baw, we were all so exited. Once Mr. Kabak parked the bus we all jumped out and started playing with the snow. After about 3 hours of playing with the snow we decided to head home. We stopped at the hire place to return our things that we hired and continued to a park next to the hire place and we enjoyed an amazing BBQ. Finally, we arrived at school and our parents were there waiting for us.

Ibrahim Deknach, 10B